
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Favorite Books

As you can see, number one on the list is the Pulitzer Prize winner A Confederacy of Dunces. She's very advanced for her age. 

Just kidding. We do love books, though. I've been reading to her since the day she came home from the hospital. They always say that it's important for babies to hear a variety of words. But come on, how many ways can you possibly describe a diaper change? Reading gives us something new to discuss. Here are some of Miss A's favorites:

This book is a delight. It has a nice rhythm to it, and is a fun way to learn about animals and colors.
Goodnight Moon is a sweet book for bedtime. It's fun to point out the little mouse hiding in the room.

Miss A loves our dog. She gets excited just hearing the word dog. So naturally, this book is a hit.

This book legitimately makes me laugh. What can I say? I'm simple.

Madeline reminds me of Miss A in many ways. It must be the hair. 

What are your little one's favorite books? I'd love some new recommendations! 

1 comment:

  1. Such a fun post! B loves 'Moo, Baa, La La La' and 'The going to bed book.' Both are by Sandra Boynton.
