
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Preparing for the Plane

I'm going to be taking Miss A for an extended visit with her grandparents at the end of July. I'm excited, but a little nervous to fly with her by myself. She flew at three months old, but at that age she had less energy! She slept the entire flight.

This time I bought one of these mini backpacks from Pottery Barn Kids (On sale, plus free shipping!) as her carry on:
My plan is to wait until we're on the plane to give it to her. Don't ask me why, but the girl loves zippers.  So the backpack itself will probably keep her busy for a bit. I'm going to stuff it with dollar store toys, so she'll have some new things to keep her occupied. I'll also pack some snacks, and her pacifier for take off and landing. And if all else fails, I'm putting some Elmo videos on my phone. :)

What are your tips for flying with an 11 month old?

1 comment:

  1. We just flew with B - today! My best tip is to fly around nap time, if your bebe sleeps easily. Most of the time I just give a bottle during take off and he is out for most of the flights, which is what happened today!

    We had one horrific flight where he screamed the whole time but you know what? It's only a few hours of your life, the plane lands, and it's over.

    I'm sure she will be JUST FINE, especially with that adorable backpack! :)
